Norwegian conference for the use of IT in organizations
The University of Oslo has the pleasure to arrange NOKOBIT 2018 from 18-20. September 2018 in Svalbard, as part of the Norwegian ICT Conference for Research and Education (NIKT). for the use of IT in organizations (NOKOBIT) is a well-established national conference in information science and information systems that addresses relevant topics related to the development, implementation and use of ICT in organizations, as well as social issues in ICT. The conference is a common arena for researchers and practitioners interested in developing knowledge in the field. The conference wishes contributions within a wide range of different genres and themes, see for deadlines. There is room for interdisciplinarity and diversity in theoretical and methodological approaches. Possible topic for contributions are: * Uses and applications of digital technologies in different contexts * User Interaction * Data Visualization * Computer science (“data science”) * Digital innovation and business development * Digitalization and transformation of public services * Research methods in connection with studies of IS * ICT strategy * ICT management and organization * Information Infrastructures and Platform Ecosystems * Information and knowledge management * Innovation and entrepreneurship with IS * Conceptual modeling * Knowledge recovery (“data mining”, “business intelligence”) * Management and organization of IS services (“IS service management”) * Management and Organization of Business Processes (“Business Process Management”) * Management and organization of supply chain management * Lean production * Human-machine interaction, universal design * Mobility, mobile applications, apps * New media * Cloud computing * Social IS and interaction solutions * Big data * System development methods and practices * Service orientation * Business Modeling * Business systems and business architecture * Economy, Profit Stabilization and IS
Posters and demonstrations
Projects in the start-up phase, ongoing work and completed work that are of interest but which do not fit entirely as the ordinary article can be presented as a poster with or without demonstration of ICT. The posters will be hung up in the coffe break areas of the conference and the authors will present them in the conference breaks there. The posters should essentially contain illustrations and not an enlarged print of the extended abstract.
Contributions are submitted as Extended Abstract (max 2 pages) text to the conference within the deadline for small contributions and posters at Extended Abstract will be considered by the program committee but will NOT be submitted to professional evaluation and thus do not give publication points.
Assessment and publishing
All regular article contributions will normally be reviewed by 3 anonymous and independent professionals. Contributions do not need to be anonymized (but we accept anonymous contributions). Accepted articles will normally be published electronically in the conference proceedings in the NOKOBIT series (e-ISSN 1894-7719), currently published by Bibsys Open Journal Systems.
Extended Abstract for posters (1-2 pages) will be published in a separate section to make it clear that contributions are not rated and merit-proof. In addition, they will be labeled Extended Abstract
The following requirements for publication in the conference report are requried for both articles and Extended Abstract: * Final version is delivered within the deadline and in the correct format * At least one of the authors registers and attends the conference and presents the work
If none of the authors attend the conference and presents the work, the contribution could be removed from the conference report. In very special cases, however, a submitted script can still be rejected editorially without being sent to professional evaluation, if there are obvious obvious shortcomings that make it meaningless to carry out a review of the work (e.g., plagiarism, the same work has already been published elsewhere, no scientific content, or topics beyond NOKOBIT area of interest). In the event that a grant is refused due to academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism or article that is autogenerated), the refund and justification for it will be conveyed not only to the person who submitted the contribution but also potentially to the apprenticeship / research institution where he / she is employed, as well as possibly to the person who has been tried to plagiarize the work.
Contributions to the conference can be written in Norwegian, other Scandinavian languages or English. All contributions must be original and not published or under simultaneous review anywhere else. Maximum length of article is 14 pages. In addition to submitting a regular contribution, we also invite panel debates. Such proposals should contain a summary of what should be discussed and who will be in the panel - and these should be requested by the proposer himself and receive a positive answer. Accepted articles will be presented through presentations at the conference and the posters will be presented through talks with the conference participants. The presentation is held in English if there are non-Scandinavian speakers in the hall.
Format and submission
- Format for article contributions can be found here:
- Submission of contributions to review must be done via EasyChair:
- Submission of final version is done by uploading in EasyChair.
Steering committe members for NOKOBIT
- Anniken Karlsen, NTNU (PC chair)
- Tom Roar Oak brook, UiA
- Trond Vegard Johannesen, NHH
- Jens Kaasbøll, UiO
- Grete Netteland, HiSF
- Knut H Rolland, UiO
- Pieter Jelle
Program administrators
- Knut H. Rolland, UiO
- Anniken Karlsen, NTNU (Co-chair)
- Trond Vegard Johannesen, NHH (Co-chair)
Program Committee members
- Tom Heine Pretty,Østfold University College
- Ingrid Chieh Yu, University of Oslo
- Tor-Morten Grønli, Westerdals College
- Lars Michael Kristensen, West University College
- Vladimir Oleshchuk, University of Agder
- Jon Kvisli, Southeastern University College
- Anders Andersen, University of Tromsø