Invited speakers

Invited speakers

NIK Keynote: Developing for the long term - Lessons learned through 20 years of Qt

by Dr. Lars Knoll


Qt is a C++ based development framework originally created by a Norwegian startup named Trolltech. After some years where Nokia owned the technology, it is now being developed by an independent company again. Through all the changes on the business side, we have continued to evolve the product and keep it relevant in the market. Some of the guiding principles established in the early years such as a strong focus on API design and quality, a will to continuously re-invent our product and our cooperation with the Open Source community have made this possible.


Lars is The Qt Company CTO and Qt Project Chief Maintainer.

He has been working on Qt for more than 18 years starting as a software engineer to later leading the global Qt engineering team in Nokia before the Digia acquisition in October 2012. Lars has been an active member of the KDE community and the architect behind KDE’s HTML rendering library that formed the basis for the WebKit open source project.

Lars holds a PhD in physics from the University of Heidelberg. He is a German national and lives with his family in Oslo.

UDIT Keynote: Learning Analytics: What is it and what is its role in education?

by Professor Dr. Barbara Wasson


Learning Analytics (LA) has emerged over the past 7 years as a promising field of research and domain of practice. With roots in AI in Education, Educational Data Mining (EDM), and Big Data, the field comprises research into the challenges of collecting, analysing and reporting data with the specific intent to improve learning and the contexts in which it occurs. In this talk I will give an overview of the field and reflect on its role in education.


Professor Dr. Barbara Wasson is Director of the Centre for The Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE) and Professor of Pedagogical Information Science at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway. She is also Scientific Leader of the Technology for Practice (T4P) group (formerly InterMedia), NORCE. She has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence in Education where she worked with a content planning agent for an intelligent tutoring system. She was one of the founders of Kaleidoscope, a European Network of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning. Wasson is/has been PI for numerous national and international projects and has over 120 publications on Technology Enhanced Learning. Her research interests include interaction design, computer support for collaborative learning (CSCL), mobile learning, learning games, intelligent tutoring systems, eassessment, teacher inquiry, learning analytics, and pedagogical agents.

NISK Keynote: Spenningsfeltet innovasjon, digitalisering og kommunikasjonsvern

by Elise Lindeberg, Sikkerhetsdirektør for Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet


Den europeiske reguleringen på kommunikasjonsvern og personvern (e-privacy og GDPR) sett i forhold til behovet for tilrettelegging for innovasjon og konkurranse i ekomsektoren.


Elise Lindeberg, Jurist og avdelingsdirektør for sikkerhetsavdelingen i Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet (Nkom). Hun har nasjonal og internasjonal erfaring fra ressursforvaltning på internett og regelverksutvikling for sikring av stabile og sikre IKT-nett og tjenester. Nkom veileder i sikkerhetsarbeid og person- og kommunikasjonsvern og har ansvar for å føre tilsyn med- og utvikle regelverk for å sikre at ekomaktørene leverer sikre og gode ekomtjenester til befolkningen.

NOKOBIT Keynote: Tiden med EDB og fargefjernsyn - før vi ble fanget i nettene

by Jørgen Fog and Arild Jansen


Jørgen Fog og Arild Jansen mimrer om tider da bredbånd betød ekstra brede magnetbånd og det var diskusjoner om hvor mange datamaskiner man egentlig trengte i Norge.


Arild Jansen
Professor emeritus, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, Department of Private Law, University of Oslo. His research activities include various studies of eGovernment projects in Norway. Jansen was heading a cross-disciplinary research program in eGovernment at Norwegian Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL), UiO. He has coordinated a National resource network within eGovernment from 2007 to 2010, founded by the Norwegian Research Council. Jansen was active in organizing the Norwegian and Nordic University computer network cooperation that was instrumental in implementing Internet in the Nordic countries. He has also been deputy director in the Norwegian government, including heading the secretariat for the national ICT advisory policy board. Current research includes ICT-governance, information infrastructures, IS implementations and organizational change.

Jørgen Fog
Jørgen Fog har vært ansatt ved Universitetet i Oslo (EDB-sentret (Matematisk institutt avd. D), senere USIT) i den tiden Simula ble utviklet der og Ole Johan Dahl hhv. Kristen Nygaard holdt til i Mattebygget på Blindern. Han startet som operatør ved EDB-sentrets stormaskin CD-3300, fortsatte med programmering, IH-systemer og ble senere ansvarlig for pc’er (IBM-kompatible) ved UiO. Han var senere IT-leder ved Det juridiske fakultet. Etter det var han seksjonssjef ved Departementenes sikkerhets og serviceorganisasjon (DSS/Ft). Oppgavene der var ledelse og senere problemanalyse (ITIL: Problem management). Han er i dag pensjonist, ivrig skiløper og fotturist.